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Read all about it…at Ysgol Pen-Y-Bryn! - start of article

Read all about it…at Ysgol Pen-Y-Bryn!

We have worked with Ysgol Pen-Y-Bryn since the beginning of SAW, welcoming them to the studio on number of occasions and we even got to visit them and see all the great work they do in person. 

Situated in Swansea, Ysgol Pen-Y-Bryn is a school dedicated to the education of young people with additional learning needs. With a unique curriculum that caters to the needs of each individual student, Pen-Y-Bryn leads the way for creating positive change for the education system within Wales.

The school is also responsible for a number of exciting and interesting projects! Their 6th form students recently created a Doctor Who project as part of their film skills course.  Not only did they perform in the short film themselves, but they also edited, filmed, made props and even created special effects! And now, they are even producing a magazine to keep us all up to date on their hard work which is why SAW are delighted to help support them in this new venture. 

One of many projects that the school have created
The school encourages pupils with hands on learning

It seems like a perfect partnership as Jane and Julie, who started Bad Wolf, were instrumental in bringing Dr Who back to the TV in 2005 and we know Ysgol Pen-Y-Bryn have a particular love of Dr. Who themselves and this will surely make an appearance throughout their magazine!

Alongside the magazine, Ysgol Pen – Y – Bryn have also been generous enough to share their lessons with us and allow us to make them available on our website so that young people and schools across Wales can start making their very own films as well.

You can find their lesson resources and their magazine below, so why not have a look and give your own film a go!

Magazine: Summer 2021 edition

Film Skills Workbook / Film Skills Session 1 / Film Skills Session 2 / Film Skills Session 3 / Film Skills Session 4 / Film Skills Session 6 / Film Skills Session 7 / Film Skills Session 8 / Film Skills Session 9

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