
How to be a Greenlancer - 24th April, 16:00 to 19:00
Media Cymru x USW
Wednesday 24 April 2024
Event Type
Professional Development
About this event

While eco-anxiety continues to evolve along with the effects of climate change, it’s never been a more important time for freelancers to adopt and incorporate sustainable practices in their everyday lives.

Running a greener freelance business also means tackling those personal emission hotspots such as Transport and Energy, Materials, Food and Waste and one of the valuable takeaways from the session will be to give you a better understanding of your carbon footprint and how you can reduce it.

Delivered by Picture Zero, HOW TO BE A GREENLANCER is an engaging, straightforward guide on how you can be more environmentally focussed and finance-savvy on a very personal level.  And even grow your business, worth and network by differentiating yourself and attracting employers who also value sustainability.

Freelancers will discover where they can make the biggest environmental impacts and cost efficiencies:

  • Working from home
  • Digital/online presence
  • On the move
  • On set (as well as by off-setting)
  • In the office 

Freelancing in a green way also means being able to access local government incentives, greener pension/savings schemes and attractive tax benefits.    Leading sustainability experts Picture Zero will show you how to live and work in a way that is both great for us, the planet and one’s pocket; and provide each participant with a ‘GREENLANCER TOOLKIT’, listing the services, suppliers, and solutions available.

So come and join us for this lecture-light but water-tight, unique training opportunity, and discover what you can do, not only as an individual, but as a freelance collective, to make a really big impact.



Online / Virtual Event